So Erica has visited a couple times in the last month or so. I don't know exactly how long its

been. I've lost track of time. She came for the fourth of July weekend and it had to of been one of the best if not THE best weekend I've had since I moved up here. We did so much! I don't remember which days we did what because it honestly felt like 5 days put together sincewewere always partyin! We hiked the Y one day, which took way longer than I remember ittakingwhen I went last year. After that, we went to the freedom festival! I got an awesome hempbackpack and signed up for a million raffles and didn't win anything, and she got a henna and a pink strip in her hair. After thefreedom festival we had a random urge for food so we went to Brick Oven and shared pizza and soup. Erica stalked a hott waiter and gave him her number. I think his name was Rob. We walked

outside and there were fireworks going off from stadium of fire so we sat and watched, THEN this truck drove by who looked like someone weknew from Hawaii and decided to follow him to wherever he was going but we lost him. I don'tthink it was who we thought it was. On our way back to my place we passed a group of VERY attractive guysriding their bikes. You know what that means....PURSUIT! I think this was allonsaturday. Sunday we went to church and she got to see how small my ward is. Monday I think we went shopping. Maybe that was friday. I think it was friday actually. Yes, Friday. Because monday we went to the fourth of july parade! It was fun to watch, especially when the missionaries

showed up haha. Monday night we went to my cousin Cole's house for dinner andshe got to meet prettymuch every aunt, uncle, cousin, and grandparent. I love my family. I've got the best, craziest, most amazing family and no one can argue with me on that one. OH!And also on friday, we went to Cafe Rio and saw Jason Choi and Kelsi Cooper! Can you say hawaii reunion?!We went and got frozen yogurt. Ok Ithink that pretty much sums up that weekend.
This last weekend we had a full house. Taylor was here for Russia training and Erica came and visited again! Before Erica got here me, Taylor, Shelley, and Melissa went and saw the Harry Potter premiere. Not gonna lie, I fell asleep at the beginning, but the end is the most important part

anyway so it wasn't a big deal haha. We didn't do as much this weekend because there wasn't much going on. We were gonna go to the llama fest but we thought it was free but it wasn't so we didn't go haha. Cheap college students. Erica and I did go to the mall to kill some time because we wanted to get massages. We came to the conclusion that pretty much every guy that works at a phone store is very attractive so we stopped at the closest one and it happened to be verizon. I went for the hott guy, she ended up getting a new phone (for free, which she wouldn't have gotten without me seeing a sign for "free phone friday"). I'm such a good friend. I loved having Taylor in town too. She and I had some pretty good conversations about life and boys...what else is important? haha. I wish she could have been here for the whole summer! Love her to death. I want my roommate back!
Other than Taylor and Erica coming to visit, Ive just been going to school and going to 7 peaks with Lindsay. Speaking of 7 peaks, Lindsay and I went last thursday because my ward was having an activity and we got free tube vouchers so we decided to take advantage of that. We

went on most of the slide that have tubes. We do this thing in the black hole slide where you switch spots on the tube once your inside and the lifeguards have no idea unless you fall off....which like never happens. However, we have the craziest things happen to us at 7 peaks and we have no idea how it happens. We completely ate it in the slide and both have battle wounds. We stopped ourselves in the slide to wait up for our tube but then we heard a man screaming from behind us so we decided to book it down that slide haha. We didn't get in trouble which was surprising but good at the same time.

Its hard to believe that there are only 2 1/2 weeks left of the term and then I go home. Economics is kicking my butt but I'm trying really hard to get a good grade in it. I cannot wait for it to be over. Im really excited to go home and see a bunch of my friends. I didn't get a ton of time before I came up here. Im definitely going to make the most of it while Im home for the short 2 or 3 weeks. Marie is getting married in 2 weeks. I cant believe it! Im so happy for her and cant wait to see how beautiful she looks on her wedding day.
Enough for this post. The End.
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