friendly Utah State student. It was a much more pleasant ride. So I got to logan and Erica picked me up with the kids that she nannies! She had a class so we went to that. In order for me to get internet I had to have like a username and password (which the computer made for you)
and the password got me and Erica busting out laughing in the middle of class. Lets just say it was a naughty word. We could not stop laughing. It was hilarious! After class we went to the house that she nannies at and had some lunch. Then we went over to her friend Jakes house and watched the kids swim. We chatted for a bit and then it was time to take the kids home. We dropped them off then Erica and I did a bunch of things. We went to Walmart to get snacks for the road and happened to get a free photoshoot on our way out. We took a bunch of super cheesy
within 10 minutes of us getting there. I got to meet all of her best friends from high school. We
took her brother to soccer practice and stayed at the park and played volleyball and muff. Muff is a game that I think her friends made up. I don't really feel like explaining but it was a lot of fun! After that we went back and changed and went to Applebees for dinner! My first time! I had no idea it was so good! On the way back to Erica's we did a Chinese Fire Drill in the car, and little did we know there was a cop driving right past us. It was pretty funny but nothing happened.
We crashed when we got home. The next day we
went to Ericas high school to see her best friend. I got to see where she went to school and met some more of her friends and teachers. This was Molly's wedding day. We thought it was in Seattle because thats what we were told, so we were expecting like an hour and a half drive. We weren't able to get a hold of our only source of information until like 45 minutes before the reception. Turns out, with the awful washington traffic, that it would take us like 3 1/2 hours to get to the reception (which wasn't in Seattle). Erica needed to be back to go to graduation parties so we ended up not even going to the wedding which was the reason why we even took the trip up there haha. I didn't really mind because that gave me more time to see my family. Instead of going to the wedding, Erica
dropped me off at my cousins house and I got to go to dinner with them and spend the night. I love my family so much and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I wish that they lived closer and I got to see them more than I do. They make me feel so comfortable and special all the time. We went to dinner, watched a movie, made a fire, went fathers day shopping, uncle doug made me an amazing breakfast without even hesitating and they just really show how much they love me. I love being around them. Erica picked up Jaymee from Tacoma and me in Puyallup and then we were on the road again! More disney and Justin Bieber. We got to Boise and stayed the night there. On the way to Boise we made a couple stops, some funny, some sketchy. We stopped at a Safeway and Jaymee had never been to a safeway. She didn't even know it was a grocery store! She was in complete shock the whole time we were there, and on top of that she was freaking out because one of her friends was serving a mission close to where we were! We also stopped at a kinda freaky rest stop/bathroom place. I wont get into the details of that. So yeah, we made it to Boise. Got up the next morning, ate breakfast and drove the rest of the trip. We stopped at Ericas apartment in Logan and got cleaned up, the drove to Jaymees house in Ogden. It was fun to see where she lived and to be able to meet her family. Now they need to make a trip down to Arizona and see where I live! haha. Jaymee and her mom were nice enough to offer to drive me to meet up with my parents so I didn't have to take the bus again. We met up with my parents and then went to Fathers Day dinner at Aunt Marthas! This week I was going non stop. The whole family was there minus the Sorensons in Washington, but I saw them the day before so I was lucky enough to see everyone in those two days. I have the best family and no one else's can compete. We had dinner and talked and then spent the night there. Lindsay, Spencer and I woke up early the next morning to get back to Provo because it was the first day of school. Talk about an insane week.
There were several things said on this road trip that couldn't be forgotten so I wrote them down in my phone. No one will appreciate these as much as I do except Erica and Jaymee. Well they might be funny without an explanation too.
Stupid question, but what does the A stand for? -Zoe
(All the cars in logan had an A sticker on them and it really didn't make sense to me because I knew it had to have something to do with Utah State but the A just didn't click...its for Aggies."
Thats like a mile of cows! -Erica
It would be so boring to be a cow. Life would suck! -Zoe
That's appropriate! -Zoe
Zoe. This is my opinion. Hit it and quit it. -Jaymee
(This was a every unexpected comment thanks to Jaymee Shaw)
This is a safeway? Safeway is a grocery store? Ive never been to safeway before. -Jaymee
Im a vegetarian, except for the chicken. -Erica
Erica I hope you appreciate these! Enough for this post.
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