Saturday, October 22, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Dating vent session.
Ok. So problem. Guys don't ask me on dates. I've been on one blind date this semester and thats it. As great as they are...they're not. To me its like 'Hey! No ones asking you on a date so Im gonna have my friend take you on one.' I don't find blind dates flattering because it's not like they asked me on a date because they think Im cute or they like my personality...they don't know anything about me! So thats blind dates. Now theres the ward date box. Can you say desperate?! Someone put my name in the date box which to me is kinda degrading. Sure, it might go really well, but still. Its like ok... I cant get dates on my own so people decide that it's their responsibility to find people to like me. Awesome. Why cant the guys that Im actually interested in take a hint? Im sure they do sometimes, but they don't do anything about it! This needs to change. Saaaave me.
Monday, October 17, 2011
I really, really need help finding a good haircut! Im getting it cut on saturday and I have no idea what I want to do! If you have any thoughts or ideas of what you think would look good on me, let me know! You can send links of pictures too!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Update overload.
Its been too long. Oh gosh, I don't even know where to start. The farthest back I can think is last tuesday when Aliese, Adam, and I hiked the Y for the "Hike and Light the Y" homecoming event that has been a tradition for 90 years I think. We booked it up that mountain no joke. We didn't really stop ever. We got to the top and ran into some friends from the ward.
Thursday I woke up and was walking to class FREEZING. Ok, I wasn't freezing. I kinda actually like the cold. It's really refreshing. Anyway, it was like 37 degrees or something and I was wearing a long sleeve shirt. I went to Spanish and then I studied for a bit then I went to my Spanish conversation lab. The whole morning there were just grey clouds all over the mountains. Didn't think anything of it. I walk out of class and BAMM! This is what I see...snow. Let me remind you that I was on that 'Y' on the mountain less that 48 hours before this happened. It also actually snowed on the ground that day too, not just on the mountain.
That same day, I was talking to my mom telling her how cold it was and she told me to go I did. Never would I ever turn down that command. Aliese and I went shopping for winter clothes but weren't very successful, however I did find some lovely jeggings and a blue and white striped cardigan (cougar pride). We were going to go to Mr. BYU but that plan failed miserably. We were hungry and decided to go through the In-N-Out drive thru. We didn't make it that far. We ordered our food and then my car just shut off. We were both really confused. I turned it back on and it shut off. So I got out of the car and went to the people behind us and they said to put it in neutral so that they could push me out of. I did as I was told, got out of the turned off/in neutral car and it started moving without anyone even touching it! I started to freak so I jumped in and put it in park. The whole time, the workers in in-n-out looked super confused and were all sticking their heads out the window. It was pretty funny. It all of a sudden started working again so I got up to the window to pay, got our food and it turned off again. The people behind us pushed us out while I steered into a parking spot. HILARIOUS. It was actually more difficult than you would think. The steering wheel wouldn't turn like at all. Anyway, thats the story of the week. It was an exciting 5 minutes of my life. Oh and then there was this random man who apparently was a know-it-all about cars that explained what might be the problem and then left. Aliese and I just sat in the car and ate while we waited for Kyle to rescue us. The man appeared like 10 minutes later to tell me to go to the Japanese auto shop on center street and then left again. Umm....ok?? haha.
My car works now. Don't worry.
Thursday night was Devery's surprise birthday party. We had cake and played the game of things. If you know what it is, cool. If you don't, I don't know how to explain it but its hilarious haha.
Friday I have no recollection of what happened. Saturday...all I can remember is that we went to the football game. Oh, just kidding. Saturday I went shopping with one of my roommates Jessica and another friend Alena to make up for not being successful on thursday with Aliese. I found a really cute pea coat at Costco for $50. It was more than I wanted to spend but for a Michael Kors red wool pea coat, it was definitely a $50 well spent. MICHAEL KORS people. Designer. Yes. Wait. Shopping was Friday. Maybe not. I don't remember now. Anyway. Saturday night was the homecoming football game against San Jose State. We dominated. I went with a bunch of people from the ward and then Aliese and Kyle showed up later. They went to the outlet mall in Park City before. Heres a picture from the game!
Since True Blue was cancelled during homecoming week because It was so freaking cold and snowing, it was postponed to yesterday. Aliese and I helped out as part of BYUSA. We stood at the top of the slides to hold them down so that they wouldn't fall down the hill. We were next to the DJ so I had my own little dance party the whole time. After everyone left, all of the volunteers got to have our own time on the slide. It was a ton of fun.
In the moment of taking this picture (below) I was just thinking, 'man, life is good'. My days just get better and better and I love being here.
I couldn't be happier with where my life is at right now. Everything seems to be falling into place. I have great roommates, I love being around my sister and Spencer, I love having a car and being independent. Im so excited to be more involved with BYUSA. I got a call from a girl today asking if I would like to work with her in Admin. Im official now. Legit. Watch out everyone, Im taking over! Also, I got an email back from the Graphic Design head professor and got an appointment with him for next week to talk about my portfolio! So pumped! Everything is coming together so nicely :) I love my life.
On a more spiritual note. Keep the faith rollin' people. It will change your life immensely if you rely on the promptings of the spirit. Wouldn't be where I am now without it!
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