So last Saturday I called in sick to work and went to the basketball game with Erica at Chaminade. We got a ride on the spirit bus. I think thats what they call it haha. We jammed out to music all the way there. It felt like high school again. Sitting on a school bus, going to a
sports game with a bunch of loud students. When we got there, the
school looked like a resort. I began to rethink my choice of schools haha. Not really. It looked super nice on the
know how to explain. The thing that confused me the most was that in the bathrooms, everything was automatic. The toilet, soap, sink, and paper towels. All of it. But there were no mirrors! Like what the heck? What bathroom doesnt have mirrors? Oh, and I dont think the stall doors had locks. Maybe that was just mine. But there were only 2. Oh well. It was a strange bathroom. Then the gym...I didnt think a college gym could get smaller than ours but apparently they do. The chaminade gym was like a high school gym too I think. And during half time, some random group of girls did like a zumba class on the court. It was the wierdest thing! I thought it might be like their cheer time or something but I dont even know! But I'd have to say that they funniest part of that night was there were 4 missionaries at the game in the row in front of us! I'm not exactly sure if theyw ere supposed to be there but oh well haha. They would get up and cheer and scream and
everything. It was funny and shocking. The game was super intense and really close. We lost by 2 points, which is a bummer but we
still made it to regionals! I swear there were
So I stole this idea from Erica but I don't think she'll mind :)
8:30 sitting in my room probably doing nothing and found out about the devastating earthquake in Japan and that we were on tsunami watch.

9:50 Jaymee left for an RA meeting about the tsunami watch. Erica and I begin to
freak out.
9:58 tsunami alarm goes off on the island...scary!
10:00 went back to my room to shower and grab my 38 hour survival kit that my mom made me before coming to hawaii :)
10:15 called my parents
11:00 another tsunami alarm
11:15 went back to Erica's room and took pictures and videos and whatever else you do when
there is a tsunami
11:30 watched the news
11:40 sent out a really sarcastic and kinda funny but informative text to family and a couple other people. apparently I freaked them out a little but. not my intention...
11:50 found out that there could potentially be 6 feet of water which would wipe out my room

of my stuff every again. that put things into perspective so erica and I went back to my room and packed my suitcase with whatever could fit in there and threw it in a random room upstairs.
12:00 another tsunami alarm
12:20 back to erica and jaymee's room
12:40 watched the news, proceeded to get scared
1:00-3:00 earthquake? watched the news, took more pictures, made more videos, watched the clock and waited forever. oh...and more tsunami alarms.
3:00 every had to move upstairs
3:20 nothing
3:30 still waiting
3:40 watched more of the news and what had happened to other parts of the island
4:30 sleeep

texting people what was going on. Its hard to text like 15 people at the same time.)
Woke up the next morning with 6 missed calls, 10 text messages and 7 facebook messages and t
o find that there was no damage from the tsunami! Thank goodness. We got lucky
considering what just happened to Japan and the other islands of Hawaii. That's the story folks. Hope you enjoyed. I've certainly got my fair share of adventures here in Hawaii.
Not the day after the tsunami but the day after that me, erica, jaymee, shonteri, and molly
went to the beach! Our original plan was to go hike diamondhead that morning but no one woke up so that idea was a bust. Then, we were going to drive to sharks cove and snorkel but molly's car wouldn't start so we resorted in going to hukilau beach! Can't go wrong there! We laud out for a while and then attempted boogy boarding with 5 people on 2 boards. We were semi successful but not really. I'm just trying to be positive :) Erica and I left around 1:30 so that we could go eat at Hukilau cafe and then go watch the basketball team at regionals online! Apparently the cafe is only open for breakfast on saturdays so we went to foodland and got food there instead. Erica of course went to get an apple...part of her daily routine. None of them fit her qualifications that day so she didnt get one haha. We watched the game online and we dominated! We're going to finals on monday and Im really sad because I have to work for the second half of the game! But if they win, then they go to nationals in Boston! Good luck seasiders!
Today was a goood day. It started off a little rough. I don't exactly know what I was thinking this morning when my alarm went off. Im pretty sure I thought it was a saturday so I just kept

I only
have a couple of them right now but we are getting the rest tomorrow. The best part about it? FREE!! I have made some really great friends that I am going to miss a lot next year. I sometimes feel like I'm crazy for leaving hawaii and probably always will but we'll see. I'm so grateful for my life and everyone in it!

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