This entire week was kind of a all meshed together. I don't know exactly what day I did what but I'm going to do my best! This post is a lot of words and not very many pictures...I apologize in advance!
On wednesday, Erica and I wanted to ride our bikes to Ted's Bakery because she had never been there before and after that we were going to go to sunset beach! Well, plans didn't really go like we thought they would. Its supposed to take around an hour to ride to Ted's Bakery, BUT my bike of course had a flat. At first I thought that I was insanely fat and out of shape because I was not going fast at all and it was hard to pedal but then I found out that the back tire was flat. I was a lot a way haha. So it turns out that it took us 2 hours just to get to turtle bay which is only half way to Ted's so we stopped there and went to the beach, got in the water, and got smoothies. There was no way we would make it all the way to ted's with my bike and be back on time for the game. Not a chance. After all that, instead of riding our bikes back, we just got on the bus. It took about 10 minutes to get back on the bus. Unbelievable. The bus driver didn't like us. We were apparently too loud even though there were like 3 people on the bus. Oh well. We got back in time for the basketball game. It was the first game of nationals! The school was playing it in the CAC so we went and watched it with a bunch of other students on the big screen. We won! Good day, fun adventures, life is good.
Thursday. Thursday. Ummm, oh! Ok, so thursday during the day was kind of just a get my life in order day. I got a lot done like organizing, planning, cleaning, all that good stuff. Then I went to work. Right after work was the winter ball....haha. This is a funny story. I was on Facebook one day and this tongan guy friend requested me. I had never talked to him but I knew who he was because I've seen him around so I figured there would be nothing wrong with adding him. So I did. The next day, he messages me on the Facebook chat. We just talked for a couple minutes and then he asked me if I had a partner for the winter ball. Right then, I knew exactly where this conversation was going. Yes, he asked me to the ball, and yes, I said sure. A lot of people were surprised that I actually said yes, because I guess most girls would have said no. Thats when I knew I was in for treat. Wednesday, when I was in the bathroom getting ready for work, Ilocked myself out of my room which made me 30 minutes late to work. I went to clock in and guess who was there? He was! Ok, put yourself into the situation. The day before a date with someone that you have never ever talked to in person and you randomly run into them when you're half an hour latefor work and all you wanna do is get there. Yeah, not the ideal situation, but I couldn't just walk right passed him. We had a slightly awkward conversation but we exchanged numbers and it was all good. It was a good thing that I had locked myself out because if I hadn't, then I honestly don't know how this date

thing would have worked. So Thursday night was the ball and I wasn't really sure how it would go. I figured dinner might be a little quiet but the dance would be fun because I would be around other people too. It happened exactly like that. Dinner was a little quiet. I tried to make conversation, but it didn't really work so I ended up talking to the other girl in our group. After dinner was the dance and a bunch of other people showed up. The dance was actually pretty fun.

Karla, Shonteri, Taylor and some otherfriends showed up and I stuck around them a lot. Even though this wasn't the ideal date situation, I figure hey, I got asked to come...Im going to have fun no matter the circumstance. SoI did. Im glad that I made the most out of the situation. It ended up being pretty fun since all my friends were there too. Im glad I got to go. It also helped me step out of my comfort zone for a night. So that was thursday. Oh, I think there was a game today too. We were in the final four and won again! Go Seasiders!
Friday was a good day. Me, Erica, Sean, Nate, Cooper, and Cameron all went to play sand volleyball at turtle bay! We went all the time last semester and hadn't played in a while. It was

a super sunny, beautiful day. We played for a few hours and swam in the water after. Its moments like these when I think about how truly blessed I am. I've made some amazing friends here that I will share memories with forever. After that I went to work. I love work. The people are the best and so much fun. I think this day we had a training right after because I guess our restaurant is too dirty? We had a training on how to organize in the back and front and how to clean certain things. The ironic part about this was that while our supervisor was talking to us about it, one of my co-workers Caesar screams RAT! There was a giant black rat running around on the shelf. All the girls started flipping out while two of the guys tried to catch it. I don't know if we ever got it out or not to be honest haha. I just thought it was funny that we were

talking about how our restaurant is too dirty and we find a huge rat running around. After work I went to a small dance thing that was at pcc for anyone that wanted to go. There weren't very many people there but I knew most of the people so it was kinda fun. I went with Erica and Jaymee. We stayed for a couple hours and then they left. I stayed longer and hung around Karla, Yuna and Brandon. We just sat around and

talked but I figured it was better than sitting in my room doing nothing which is probably what would have happened. The whole party/dance thing ended at like 12:30 and as we were walking out everyone starting singing happy birthday to me! It was nice haha. I think Yuna had planned it. She's so adorable.
Saturday was my birthday!! To start it off, I woke up at like 6:45 to watch the national championship basketball game! Most. Intenese. Game. Ever. We were playing Bellarmine, which is somewhere in Kentucky. We had an amazing first half, but then our players started getting way too many fouls. Erica and I were like jumping up and down the entire game. Probably the most emotional thing ever. It was fun though. We ended up losing by 3 points. It was so sad. HOWEVER, we had an amazing season. Our team wasn't even nationally ranked and to end the season getting second in nationals....? I'd say thats pretty good. Im very proud of our team. I guess you could say we were the under dogs. No one expected us to even be part of the sweet sixteen, or the elite 8, but you better believe we were! After the game, Jaymee, Erica and I got ready to go into town. We had a lot of plans for the day but knew they probably wouldn't all get done. We wanted to hike diamond head, go to waikiki beach, and shop at the 3 story forever 21. When we got there, we realized that we didn't even know where diamond head was so we're going to do that sometime next week. We ended up just shopping. We went to Ross for a bit and then it took us a while to figure out how to get to forever 21. We stopped at Sam's Club to pick up pictures for Jaymee and ate all the free samples. By the way, popcorn chips....zoo delicious. And then stopped at the frozen yogurt place because it just sounded reaaallly good. So pretty much, the summary of our day was walking around town goofing off and shopping! It was fun and relaxed. I didn't really want to do anything extravagant for my birthday so it was perfect! And we all got some super cute new clothes! Jaymee has all the pictures from this day. Ill get them as soon as I can!
Sunday was church. We all wore our new outfits. Man did we look good! haha. At lunch we all got in trouble because we were "out of standards." The lady came up to me and was like "Umm...your whole knee is showing. Thats not appropriate. Don't come to dinner with that on." I just started laughing in my head. My skirt was plenty long. Honor code is ridiculous here. Gahh. The lady must have been in a bad mood or something. She literally talked to like every girl that was eating lunch that day. Something was wrong with everyones outfits. Even though I could, Im not going to rant about how annoying honor code is here. All I'm going to say is that they are going way overboard with it all. Sunday night all the basketball boys came from from nationals in boston! They were supposed to get here when the fireside started but they came an hour later like right after the fireside got out so pretty much everyone and there mothers were outside when the basketball team got back. I think the team really liked all the support. They came back with really good attitudes about the final game and the season in general. It was really good to see.