On our way to go hot tubbing at Turtle Bay Resort in the back of a truck!

More KBLZ.

Family with the newest addition! Love them all.

She's married!

Spencer likes to abuse me.

We're so much cooler than you are.

I love skype. Enough said.

I love these girls. These are some friends I go to school with now. We all went to the night show at the Polynesian Cultural Center together and felt like taking a picture with this awesome statue.

Worlds largest water balloon fight! This picture sums up my summer at BYU. I have never had more fun in a 7 week period than I did summer term in Provo.

Erica and I went shopping several times last semester. It was bad. We are banning each other from going this semester. This is probably my favorite of all the pictures that we took on our shopping trips. These glasses were ridiculous.

Reunion of the siblings in the summer when Lindsay and I came home from BYU. We brought Spencer with us to meet the rest of the family for the first time. I love my family.
hahaha i love that you put a picture of us on here :) I love you zoe :)