Last weekend I did the craziest thing I have probably ever done in my life. I hiked a mountain. But it wasn't just an mountain. So its called the stairway to heaven because it is literally a 4,000 steps to the top of the mountain in the clouds, but it was more like a ladder because they were so steep! But thats not all. Its technically illegal...yes, I broke the law. It was originally built for the U.S. Coast guard and it is government property and pretty dangerous so thats why its illegal. But that didn't. There are guards that come at 5:30 am so if you go after

they get there you can't get in, but if you go're golden. There was a slight problem though...not very many students have cars here so instead we took the bus, but the busses do run that early in the morning and they stop at 10:30pm so we took the bus to the mountain the night before and stayed the night in a sketchy abandoned house in the middle oflike a forest basically. This picture is of most ofthe group on theoutside of the house. Itwascompletely graffitied inside, and apparently some crazy gang meets there sometimes? I don't know if thats true, but I heard that after

I stayed there. All I know is that it was kinda sketch. The plan was to sleep there but I don't really think I fell asleep for longer than 5 minutes at a time. So basically I pulled an all-nighter. So we "woke up" atabout 4:00 tomake our way to the entrance of the stairs where the guard goes. It took a while to get there so we had to leave pretty early. Anyway, so we started up the stairs and naturally I had to pee like no other right when we started. I wanted to die I had to go so bad. This made the first part of the hike very difficult. By the way, its still pitch black so Icant really see where Im going, all I know is that Iam on a ladder on a mountain. This picture kinda givesyou a good idea of what Im talking about. This is looking down the stairs...crazy. But once we were hiking for a while, we got to a small platform where we couldrest and watch thesunrise. It was beautifulfrom even just there and we weren't

even to the top yet! The next picture is before sunset at the platform. I love all the city lights. It was amazing! So after this, part of thegroup kinda chilled at the flat for like an hourhaha because it was really pretty and nice to rest because it was such an intense workout! After being there for a bit, I went on to finish the hike with most of the other people in our group but a couple people stayed behind. I am so glad that I did the whole thing. it was definitely worth it. I almost did, which now that I think back on it, I

would have been crazy if I didn't do the whole thing. After pulling an all-nighter in a sketchy abandoned house...I'll do anything. The second half wasn't as hard as the first half surprisingly, but it was the more dangerous part. For some reason I was not scared at all and everyone was freaked. At onepoint, the stairs were wider thanthe part of the mountain we were walking on. Im just not afraid of heights so it wasn't a big deal. Oh, before I go on...this picture is of me on the first platform. Well the platform had railings around it but there was this lovers leap rock that I went out and sat on. Ok, moving yeah, the second half wasn't as hard. I enjoyed it a lot more

because I was able to see everything and itwasn't dark out. It was green everywhere. Im probably starting to bore you because Im taking so long with all my little details but oh well. This next picture is probably one of my favorites that I took. I don't think that it was quite at the top but I love it. It looks fake. And finally, the last picture is me at the top. Ihave a lot of pictures of me at the top but this was at the very highest point. Its not a very good picture, and my body looks out of proportion because it was so windy that my shirt was going crazy but it kinda give you a better idea of where I was and what was going on

haha. From the top you could see most of the island, except for the couple parts that were blocked by mountains. But it was insane! It really made me realize how small this place is. If you want to see more pictures from the top, feel free to check my facebook...there are a ton on there. So on the way down, my legs were jello the entire time, but it was an adventure. Going down was a breeze. It didn't take long at all. I loved this hike. If you ever go to hawaii...I highly suggest it.
So long for post...all about Waikiki!
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