I think that I will start by summarizing my summer at BYU. Amazing. I spent about 2 months in Provo going to school, trying to transition into the college lifestyle, and goofing off of course. It wasn't difficult. Living on campus was maybe one of the smartest things I did. I met so many

When I wasn't with her, I was with Lindsay. And when I say Lindsay, I mean Lindsay and Spencer. Ok well I did hang out with her alone a lot too. Its amazing how much a relationship with a sibling can change when you aren't at home. I feel that now, after spending 2 months in Provo, we aren't just siblings, we're like best friends. 7 Peaks season pass was probably the best investment I made this summer thanks to her. We spent countless hours there hitting the wave pool, going on all the slides, including shooting completely off the end of them (which obviously is not supposed to happen), and of course attempting to walk across the lily pads. I failed miserably. So many memories at that place. We also had a class together. Living Prophets. I honestly don't know where to start. I didn't really know what I was getting myself into with this 2 hour class but somehow I managed to pull out a 99% overall?? Dont ask...because I dont know. I took her and Spencer to lunch all the time because of the massive amounts of money I always had on my meal plan. It was nice to always have someone to eat with. Going to Plato's Closet was our favorite thing to do, especially when we had a hard day. It was always a bitter sweet experience because we love everything in that store, but thats exactly the problem...we couldn't have it all. We always happened to leave the

store with large quantities of clothes and jewelry in the end anyway. I am in love with that place.
I would just like to recap on some of the best days that I had at BYU. One of the first things I did was hike the "Y". Aliese and I met up with one of her friends from bowling class who brought some of his roommates. This little shindig happened on the 4th of July. Well the night before. That night was the Stadium of Fire performance that was put on by BYU as a 4th of

July celebration every year. This year, the special guest performer was Carrie Underwood so it was I guess you could say...a big deal. Unfortunately none of us got tickets to this, but it was ok because we had a little party of our own. We hiked the "Y" mountain and once we got to the top, we watched the big firework show mainly from the Stadium of Fire but saw other firework shows off in the distance. It was crazy to be above the fireworks and also hear the echoes in the mountains. The group is in the picture posted above. These boys were a lot of fun to

multiple times this summer. Lets see...we went bowling, disco roller blading, ice blocking, and they took us to their favorite place to eat, Rancheritos (I think haha). Aliese almost won $230 playing a game there! Ahh it was crazy. I couldn't even look it was that intense. Goood times with those boys. I will never forget them. Oh and the picture on the right...quite possibly my favorite picture from the night we went disco roller blading.

WORLDS LARGEST WATER BALLOON FIGHT. Need I say more? I think not. But I will anyway. Firstly, I got a free shirt. This was one of THE most outrageous things I have ever done. BYU broke the world record for the largest water balloon fight ever. There were over

120,000 water balloons and nearly 4,000 people. I didn't even know there was a world record for largest water balloon fights before this! Before the actual water balloon fight there were a lot of things going on. There was a DJ and people were dancing and then there were different crowds of people doing different things. I originally went with Aliese and a bunch of people from my ward but then I saw Lindsay and Spencer so I went over to say hi to them and talk to them for a bit and next thing I know is that Aliese and everyone else are no where to be found. Lindsay and I actually lost Spencer at one point as well and so she got on my shoulders to try to find him but that turned out to be an epic fail. So in the mean time, we decided to have a little fun and explore and we found ourselves in a dance competition thing? It wasnt really a competition, we were just chosen dancers to be in the front of the video camera for the news haha. It all worked out nicely though because the guy I was standing next to was super nice. His name was Seth and he ended up driving me home after the water balloon fight haha. He's on the football team at BYU! Anyway, rewinding....after the dance thing we found Spencer and then the fight began. It was seriously so much fun! Ahh soo gooood. Moving on...later that day there was a blood drive and I went with my friend Devery who was in my ward. AND...we got free shirts! 2 free shirts in one day?! I say it was s successful day.
Thats all I have for now, but I will definately write more about my BYU summer term experience soon!
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